
How to Survive the Valley of Death as a Biotech Startup?

Contributing post from Peter Machin, former SVP Drug Discovery at GSK- La Biotech Juin 2016

Over the past decade there has been an unprecedented restructuring of R&D in pharma whereas building a successful biotech company is still as challenging. How can these two elements help each other? Big Pharma has significantly contracted its in-house efforts in drug discovery. … Of course, if you need to reduce both costs and risks then targeting the discovery phase is the best option in the short term. There has been no obvious decrease in overall attrition so without some compensatory action, development pipelines will run dry! That cannot happen, and so the sector has seen a massive increase in the number of smaller organizations engaged in drug discovery.

Computational solutions to build trust with your stakeholders.


Drug discovery researchers are poised to show the progresses of their research to stakeholders: investors, industrial partners, management. The bottom line is that regulatory agencies also will need to access the data. Adequate data management helps to show that studies have been conduced according to the standard practice in the pharmaceutical industry, even before the drug entered the clinic. read more

Where have all the (young) R&D Scientists Gone? Understanding the R&D Knowledge Gap in Pharmaceutical Companies.

Posted by innovationcrescendo on May 11, 2016

Knowledge transfer from retiring baby boomers to younger R&D workers in the Pharmaceutical industry should be simple.  However, there is one small problem: there are few next generation R&D workers! … One trend I have noticed is that as R&D baby boomers retire, pharmaceutical companies are experiencing a knowledge gap.  This means that fewer and fewer people in Pharmaceutical R&D have historic institutional R&D knowledge and that this knowledge is not being transferred to younger R&D workers.

Reusing your data for rational decisions


What become data after being generated?Access to data and re-use must absolutely be considered. Olga Kennard said many years ago that the foundation of the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center fulfilled a dream she shared with J.D. Bernal. They “had a passionate belief that the collective use of data would lead to the discovery of new knowledge which transcends the results of individual experiments”.In this era of data-driven science access to data is of paramount importance. read more

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