Biocorpora provides unique decision-support and data management tools for researchers working in drug discovery.

Biocorpora is a complete solution for registering compounds and tracking batches of small molecules, antibodies, proteins, plasmids and other entities, and for sharing biological results and study reports from screening to preclinical development.

Biocorpora is also a central knowledge repository to answer regulatory agencies and to demonstrate your findings to potential partners during due diligence.


Register compounds and store biological data

Compound registration is a process by which new batches of compounds are entered into the database. The registration process test automatically the presence of the compound in the database. It assigns a unique number to new compounds while new batches are created for compounds already contained within the database.


Assign a unique identifier based on the chemical structure. Multiple rules are available to assign the identifier based on parent structure only or on the substance (parent and salt) Read, validate and associate metadata from an SD file to the chemical structure and to the production batch.


Assign a unique identifier based on the sequence of the entity (aminoacids or nucleotides) Multiple registration rules are available to take in account the species, post translation modification or other metadata during ID assignment and duplicate search. Read, validate and associate metadata from registration files to the parent entity and production batches. The sequence registration module is applicable to all entities identified by their sequence (proteins, plasmids)


Assign a unique identifier to antibodies based on the original clone identifier or the antibody sequence. Multiple rules are available to assign the identifier based on sequence, format isotype or other metadata. Read, validate and associate metadata from the registration file to the antibody and to the clones, subclones and production batches. Track links at the entity level between sources, reformatted and humanized antibodies.


Assign a unique identifier to natural products, extracts or fractions, based on the plant, organ, extraction method or any other metadata. Read, validate and associate metadata from the registration file to the natural product and to the batch.

Track links between extractions and fractions.

Data is loaded from Excel or text files, metadata are extracted using processing templates. Data can be imported from your LIMS or raw data processing software using Biocorpora’s API.

This process is fully configurable to fit your business rules while minimizing the amount of manual curation and the risk of entry errors.


We use our NCE cartridge to support chemical structures (with stereochemistry support). This Oracle cartridge handles chemical structure in the database using native SQL and PL/SQL.NCE cartridge main purpose is to read MOL files and SDF files, index chemical structures for fast searches and perform structure and substructure searches.You can also calculate properties such as molecular weight, tPSA, logP, and other ADME parameters.


We use our NBE cartridge to support sequences (homomers, heteromers, amino acid or nucleotide sequences). This Oracle cartridge handles nucleotides and amino-acid sequences in the database using native SQL and PL/SQL. NBE cartridge main purpose is to read sequences from multiple format (eg FASTA), validate sequences (NT or AA), index sequences for fast searches and perform sequence searches. You can also align sequences and calculate sequence similarity (See Scaligner)


Browse compounds information and query the database

Biocorpora leverages the use of all the available results and helps review project by reporting on a single page all the data generated for a compound. Results can be organized by assay (using the same SOP), by report or by study.

Biocorpora users can build and run queries to browse compounds and create list of promising against any kind of dataset. Search fields include the structure, the sequence and assay results details. This list of criteria can be customized to fit users needs.

Share results for collaborative work

Biological results are imported into the database as structured items that are used to index, or group data and to calculate averages for any type of results, and merge other statistical values per compound or per batch.

Reports used routinely are defined in Biocorpora and automatically generated to retrieve quickly and reproducibly SAR tables and other experimental data as a table. Biocorpora also creates pivot tables and final reports can be retrieved in Excel format. Easy-to-read visual representations (as graphs or plots) can be built to uncover trends and compare datasets. All experimental details are loaded and validated to enable the comparison of results: experimental protocol, date, operator, and conditions such as concentration, dose, number of replicates, vehicle, species, target, tissue…


files-and-folders-125x125Biocorpora tracks all documents associated to a study (raw data files,assay reports and other documentation), store them in the database as reference files and archive documents for future reference. These files are indexed to enable fast retrieval. They can be accessed in a few clicks from the compound page, from the batch name, assay protocol, or study name. Document versioning allows authorized users to view and compare document versions. Deleted documents can be restored with no limit of time.

All-purpose and configurable setups

Multiple Biocorpora setups have been developed to fit general needs. More setups can be build with the existing components to adapt other processes.

Learn more about Biocorpora, contact us.